Meal Plan
Plan Options
Welcome to the House! Morehouse College provides a variety of meal plans designed to meet your dining needs while on campus whether you are an on-campus residential student or commuter. A meal plan is a pre-paid account loaded to your Tiger ID card for your on-campus meals at Chivers Hall. As an added advantage, all meal plans offer Flex Dollars. Flex Dollars may be used towards all food and beverage purchases at our retail locations on campus. All meal plans have the option to add additional Flex Dollars at any point in the semester.
Meal plan requirements vary depending on student classification and residential status. For more information on the meal plan program, please review the 2024-2025 academic year meal plan information below and visit our FAQ page.
Resident Meal Plans
All students living in traditional campus housing are required to be on a residential meal plan. Freshman are mandated to be on the All-Access Plan. Upperclassmen living in traditional campus housing may select the All-Access or Platinum Plan. Students will select their meal plans when applying for housing. Meal plans are optional, but recommended for residents of the Otis Moss Suites.
Meal swipes re-set every Sunday at 12am.
All-Access Plan: Unlimited dine-in meal swipes at Chivers Hall + $230 Flex Dollars $3,382
Platinum Plan: 14 meals per week at Chivers Hall + $510 Flex Dollars $3,026
There are a variety of plans that have been created for non-residential students and residents of the Otis Moss Suites to help take advantage of the convenience of campus dining at a cost savings. If you are interested in adding a meal plan to your account, you may apply using the link below. Meal plan selections must be made by August 16, 2024. For your convenience, you will be re-enrolled into your fall meal plan selection in the spring. You may change or cancel your meal plan selection prior to the spring semester.
Meal swipes on the Silver Meal Plan re-set every Sunday at 12am. Meals on the Bronze Meal Plan do not roll over from semester to semester. Flex Dollars roll over from the fall to spring semester. Flex Dollars expire at the end of the spring semester.
Silver Meal Plan: 5 meal swipes per week at Chivers Hall + $714 Flex Dollars $1,741
Bronze Meal Plan: 75 meals per semester at Chivers Hall + $230 Flex Dollars $981
Faculty / Staff
Faculty and staff can enjoy the benefits of dining on campus, too! Block plans may be used at Chivers Hall for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and for lunch at Cafe Mazique. Faculty and staff meal plans rollover fall to spring semester. Unused balances expire at the end of the academic year. Please note, faculty and staff meal plan purchases are non-refundable.
Faculty & Staff Block 25: 25 meal swipes - $225
Faculty & Staff Block 50: 50 meal swipes - $425
Click here to enroll in payroll deduction
Flex / Dollars
Flex Dollars are included with the purchase of any resident or commuter meal plan. Flex Dollars may be used towards all food and beverage purchases on campus. Flex Dollars roll over from the fall to spring semester. Flex Dollars expire at the end of the spring semester.
Running low on Flex Dollars? Add additional Flex Dollars to your meal plan in increments of $100 to your meal plan. Flex Dollars are available for purchase through the student portal.